Questions and Answers

An NFT stands for a non-fungible token. They can be anything digital but currently, digital art is where the most excitement and popularity is at. As more and more things are becoming remote, NFTs go hand in hand with this trend. NFTs have distinct records of identity, meaning they cannot be mishandled, altered, deleted, or stolen. They have qualities and benefits we are only just beginning to comprehend and differ from traditional investments.

NFTs are highly efficient, for both the collectors and for the creators. The transaction eliminates all the mediators, a straightforward digital process. What also makes them extremely popular is that the artwork does not have the usual concerns surrounding authentication due to it being completely digitalised. This also means that in the future, NFT’s could evolve to help manage sensitive data. Without the need for manufacturers and investors, the digital world breaks down the entry barriers for up-and-coming artists.

Similar to the concept of how coins are created, NFTs are ‘minted’ once they have been created. This is the process of turning a digital item into an asset on the blockchain. Due to its widely accepted token standards, most NFTs are created on the Ethereum blockchain as it is highly composable and interoperable, we use an add-on called Polygon which has its own benefits (see below).

By reaching out to the Grazia audience, who are predominantly female, it demonstrates to women everywhere that this form of self-promotion and marketing is not beyond the realms of possibility. And as well as propelling women forward in a predominantly male industry, the sale of this NFT will generate great revenues for the helpless children of Ukraine during this terrifying time. This artwork aims to portray the values of freedom and equality, principles of which the building blocks of Grazia are built on. The artist herself has important morals which fall in line with Grazia’s, and alongside this, an incredibly unique talent for art which has been a prevalent aspect of her life growing up. Giovanni Allevi, the composer, has been described as “The Mozart of the new millennium”. This makes nobody better for the job of complementing this extraordinary artwork. A very distinctive feature of the collection is that all three NFTs together creates one beautiful song.

The Grazia NFTs can NOW be purchased on the platform and the proceeds will go to support the “Ukrainian Emergency” project for children and women of the Francesca foundation. The purchase of these one-off digital works creates the opportunity of hope for so many.

Instant payments can be made via Wire, Stripe and Paypal. You can also use MATIC for the ‘pay later’ option.

A wallet is a programme used by cryptocurrency holders to store multiple public and/or private keys. A vital part of having an NFT is storing it by researching the best platforms online to find out which is the most suited to you. The main things to look for are platforms which operate in a safe and regulated environment and a team with an experienced background.

We use Polygon technology which resolves many of the issues found within the Ethereum network. It is extremely popular and the demand for it is increasing making it a great time to invest. It is highly scalable and known as the ‘Eco-Friendly’ blockchain as it is hundreds of times better for the environment in terms of carbon footprint.

One of the obstacles with NFTs is that there is nothing to hold onto, you depend on a code, known as a key, to gain access. It is important to remember not to lose the private keys and avoid saving it somewhere scammers can gain access. If you have multiple NFTs, it is beneficial to spread out your assets and, write down your private key and store this in a secure place. Similarly, having multifactor authentication is helpful as well as choosing the correct type of storage.

The NFTs can be utilised and appreciated whenever convenient, even on a smartphone. Just like vinyl music, CDs, books, and calendars, for example, have become outdated, there is no need to locate storage space. Not only this, but once the transaction is complete, keeping the artwork stored is far easier and there is no need to worry about the possibility of it becoming damaged or aged as they are highly preserved, meaning confidence of purchase is very high. This convenience extends to selling, distributing, and sharing.

Yes, it is possible to sell your NFT easily via the platform OpenSea. You will simply create a profile, upload your NFT, or collection/bundle of NFT to the listing page and sell for a fixed price or timed auction. You can also set a duration for the sale and reserve items for buyers. For more information, visit this link…